Andy Saphir

... Andy Saphir, has been a professional guitar player and teacher for over 25 years.
Having gained a dis<nc<on at London’s pres<gious Guitar Ins<tute in 1995, he has gone on to gain a reputa<on as one of the UK’s top country guitarists.
A versa<le, mul< genre player, Andy has had a successful performing career, having extensively toured in the UK and interna<onally with numerous high level shows and bands. Andy is a regular contributor to top interna<onal guitar tui<on magazine, ‘Guitar Techniques’, for whom he has wriMen several series and cover features in a variety of topics from ‘Session Styles’ to ‘Red Hot Blues’ and more. He has also wriMen tui<on ar<cles for Total Guitar and Guitarist magazines.
Addi<onally Andy is an ar<st for one of the foremost online guitar tui<on plaOorms, Jamtrack Central, where his products including, ‘Modern Country Masterclass’ and ‘Hot Country Picking are available.